“Birds flock. Fish swim. People Tribe.” and “What makes some tribes more effective than others is culture.” — David Logan
How do you build a culture and environment within which teams and people flourish – while achieving sustainable, meaningful and impactful outcomes?
This course is for you who wishes to deepen your understanding of how to shape and influence the culture around you. This course’s trainer, Jimmy Janlén, will offer a definition of culture that is actionable and allows you to lead with intent.
What is Culture? The way we dress? The vibe in our office? Our policies? Let’s start with exploring insights and wisdom from some thought leaders and experts in the area.
Being aware of the current cultures of your organisation is important in order to change it. Where are we now? And more importantly, in which direction do we want to move our culture?
Values & Beliefs, Stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, Reward behaviours and Belonging are all core aspects of our culture. Ones we can influence, shape and invest in. And allows us to act with intent.
As humans we search for belonging, to be part of something bigger than our immediate family or team. We thrive in a context. As leaders, we need to consciously and intentionally build that shared identity.
Organisational units beyond the team quickly become abstract. You need to make them real. If you don’t bring your tribe, department or value stream to life, it will merely be a fading memory of a PowerPoint slide.
It’s easier to act your way to a new way of thinking, then to think your way to a new way of acting. Start by changing what people do, rather than how they think.
As a formal and informal leader you need to be very mindful that what you say and how you respond will be interpreted and given meaning. Particularly during times of stress. How we act in these moments will become the afterwork campfire stories of the future.